HTC Exodus – The First Blockchain Smartphone – ICQBase

The First Blockchain Smartphone

HTC is about to release a new smart phone called Exodus – there is no exact release date yet, according to Coindesk at the end of 2018. The Exodus will be the first model based on block chain technology and supporting different cryptocurrencies.

Initially Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dfinity and the Lightning Network are supported, later the entire blockchain ecosystem should be supported. New Bitcoin and Ethereum nodes were to be created with their own blockchain, in which all Exodus devices are connected to each other.

The phone should also allow easy access to DApps (decentralized applications such as CryptoKitties). DApps should be as easy to find and use as the usual apps. Of course, crypto wallets are integrated – unfortunately there are only three words on the topic.

Not much is known about the design of the Exodus. There are a few technical drawings on the net, but they reveal more about the inside of the phone. The back looks simple at first – more than the camera and the HTC logo can’t be seen. The pictures are included on the landing page.

The First Blockchain Smartphone

While Sirin Labs has been using the Blockchain smart phone “Finney” for some time, HTC would be the first large company with this product. It wouldn’t be the first time HTC has launched a revolution: the first Android-based smart phone also came from HTC. Even a universal DApp store is not a completely new idea – but the Exodus would be the first practical implementation.

Phil Chen, project manager at HTC, emphasized in the interview with Coindesk that the exodus would be “Switzerland for all protocols” – compatibility with as many crypto currencies as possible is the goal. The whole project is then also very open-source designed for a smart phone. We wait anxiously until the first models have arrived: )